Norm was on Fire at Fire Ridge. It started very badly for him. His Meg hit her head, and she had a concussion right before the trial. Her balance was off and she clearly couldn't run. Norm was one dog short in the Open. I had planned to stay home for the weekend to finish a commercial job, and all the training dogs had arrived, so rather than take them on the road, I stayed behind and watched the place. That left my Open dog, Gale, hanging out doing nothing. I bought Gale from Norm years ago, he hadn't worked her since, but we thought she might run for him. It was a chance, but a far better chance than not running at all. He gave her a spin in the yard before he left and away they went. Run for him she did. On the second day they won the Open with a 95 and also made it into the Double Lift. I think they ended up seventh. In addition, he won the Pro-novice with Cody, a dog he sold to, and runs for, Brian Ricards. It was only Cody's second trial. So the old joke stands, "Norm Close has a pretty good discard pile."
It was a great weekend, and quite a thrill to have my guy and girl do so well, not quite as good as being there and doing it myself, but a close second, and being able to take a hot bath every night sure made up the difference.

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