Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fantasy Dog Trial

I need your help, if you are able. My sister, Leah, has a brain tumor. She

will be operated on the

5th of March in Seattle, WA.

It will be a 5 hour surgery.
1st, and most

importantly, please include her in your prayers and 2nd, we

have put together a fantasy dog trial for

her benefit. If you

would like to escape reality and

run a dog in our England trial, click

on the link and

it will give you more details.

Everyone that enters the trial will be entered in the drawing for my

print, "Welcome Home". It is # 20/250.
3rd, and last, if you would be so kind as to help me get the

word out by sending this link to your friends, I would be grateful.
Thanks much,


  1. Hey Vicki....great idea for one of the best! Put it on your facebook wall....okay?? Maybe my Nell is ready to make the pretend move to open....

