Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Global Warming 
It snows here in Coeur d' Alene, but it never stays. I always have jobs that require snow and I am always waiting, and waiting......... If it does snow, I am up around 4 am to get where I need to be. You have to be ready when the light comes, because the snow doesn't last. By 10 am it's off the trees and you have missed the shot. If it 
lasts two weeks, well that's really something.
It snows often, it just really doesn't accumulate. Well, that is, until you marry a Canadian man that brings a never ending blizzard with him! I have never seen snow like the last two years and the only thing that has changed is his address....
He may be the answer to global warming.
 If your city or state starts to get a little on the dry, warmish side,
 call me I will rent him to you..........

1 comment:

  1. You can KEEP the snow, AND the cold! Send him to Southern California, I hear they are in the 80's and have green grass- phooey on them!
