But wait there's more! Off to Quakertown PA, to Leslie Whitney's place for the clinic and lessons.
Another beautiful town with amazing architecture. Leslie's farm is charming with an old barn and a big welcoming house. She has great sheep, something for every level. We enjoyed working her Scottys.
Her husband Kevin is the master of the barbecue and we were treated to a tasty rib dinner. One of our highlights was meeting Fran Sharon and Nancy Obenier. We have spoken on the phone often, as they have both purchased dogs from Norm. They are a great pair, keeping things light and fun. The clinic went really well, I learn so much watching Norm teach other people. I am starting to predict what he will do with a dog, but he continues to amaze me when he teaches the people. He reads them well, and is careful not to overwhelm them.
Borders on Paradise 
On Monday we headed for Turbotville, PA, to Dave Fettermin's trial. We were early, and it was a well-needed break as Norman started feeling really ill. It was kind of a mystery as to what the problem might be. He was feeling very weak and dizzy. Finally a toothache uncovered the cause. His tooth, that was recently worked on, had abscessed. His dentist called in a prescription and in a few days he was on the mend just in time for the trial.
Turbotville is home to many Mennonite and Amish families. It is a sight to see their hard working, fit horses trotting down the road pulling their carriages. Next door to Dave's is a very fancy, stone home with a beautiful barn and 2 fat horses. They would whinny at the trotters as they came speeding by. I wondered, who really had the good life? I couldn't help but ponder how soft and lazy my modern conveniences have made me.........
It was nice to see all our new and old friends arrive at the trial on Thursday and Friday.
It was a good turn out. There were 64 dogs. The field is set up on a hill, with a hard pull to the right. The first round we ended up in the middle of the pack. The second round, Gwen and Gale did much better. Gwen had a nice run going, but she had wild sheep, and when they came out of the pen to head for the shedding ring they bolted to the exhaust, an automatic DQ. Lass is showing her age. Gale had nice sheep. I was able to get around and ended up 5th with an 84. It was Jake and Lucy's 1st trial and we were pleased with them. Jake was steady and wanted to hold a line. Lucy was wild and had a hard time finding the line. It is neat to watch them grow up.
My Pirate, Hanna is little. I think she had the same problem as Lass, who is also low to the ground, I don't think she could hear me. She took the sheep on the cross drive and headed out with them in the exact same spot as Lass. She really didn't seem naughty, just overwhelmed. One thing for sure, she gets wound up at trials. Her little eyes get huge and worried. Hopefully we will work through it.
If you get a chance to meet Dave Fettermin, make the effort. He is a wonderful man and he and his wife Debbie put on a beautiful trial.
We're off to the Blue Grass. We will be there today around 2 p.m.